
Scottish Gymnastics and Central Gymnastics Academy would like to acknowledge the following publications and organisations that have supported this document:

VSDS: - Volunteer Scotland Disclosure Services (VSDS) for Training and Guidance on Recruitment and PVG Disclosure Process

Children 1st - Guidance on PVG Legislation and Process Guidance and Legislation

Scottish Gymnastics and Central Gymnastics Academy’s Safe Recruitment Policy and supporting procedures are based on the following legislation and guidance:

Legal Framework

Children (Scotland) Act 1995
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995
Police Act 1997
Sex Offenders Act 1997
Human Rights Act 1998
Data Protection Act 1998
Sexual Offences (amendments) Act 2000
Disclosure Scotland Code of Conduct “Making Scotland Safer” 2002
Disclosure Scotland Code of Conduct “Protecting the Vulnerable by Safer Recruitment” Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, the Exclusions and Exceptions (Scotland) order 2003 Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003
Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007

© Scottish Gymnastics


Scottish Gymnastics and Central Gymnastics Academy accept that Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone in the sport of gymnastics, whether paid staff or volunteer. As an organisation we are committed to not only developing policies and procedures but to providing information, guidance and training opportunities to ensure those working with vulnerable groups adopt best practice and that at all times no child, young person, protected adult, coach or official is placed at risk.

The vast majority of coaches, officials/helpers are committed, dedicated people who are motivated to work within gymnastics for commendable reasons. However it is important that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure that unsuitable people or people with an inappropriate motivation are prevented from working with vulnerable groups. The following procedures should be adopted and applied consistently when appointing an individual in either a voluntary or paid capacity.


Scottish Gymnastics and Central Gymnastics Academy strives to ensure the safeguarding of all those participating in gymnastics activities and will endeavour to promote the highest standards of care. For effective implementation of this policy all Central Gymnastics Academy (the provider) will work in partnership, each with a role to ensure the safe recruitment of all individuals coming into the Academy as aregistered with Scottish Gymnastics to work in a regulated role regardless of whether as a volunteer or paid.


Scottish Gymnastics will:

·  Provide and implement robust procedures, support and guidance to help safeguard all participants

·  Strive to ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safe recruitment

·  Provide training, support and guidance to the Safeguarding Officers (SO) and to Clubs

·  Adopt best practice in recruitment and training of employees and volunteers

·  Ensure all those who work in a regulated role with children and young people including those who act as a chaperone whilst on trips, obtain a PVG Disclosure through Scottish Gymnastics

·  Initiate conduct in sport proceedings when necessary

·  Monitor the operation of this policy

Central Gymnastics Academy will:

·  Adhere to the guidelines and procedures contained within this policy

·  Ensure all those coming into the club to work in a regulated role will be recruited safely and in accordance with this policy obtain a PVG Disclosure through Scottish Gymnastics

·  Complete a self-declaration and access relevant Safeguarding training through Scottish Gymnastics

·  Support the SO to carry out his/her duties in this area

·  Implement any recommendations of Scottish Gymnastics relating to Safe Recruitment


When any form of advertising is used to recruit staff or volunteers, the following information should be included: -

·  Aims of the Academy

·  Responsibilities of the role

·  Level or experience or qualifications required, particularly if experience of working with children and young people would be considered necessary

·  The Academy’s open and positive approach to Safeguarding

·  The use of PVG disclosures as part of the recruitment and selection process where the role is regulated work.

Pre- application information

Anyone who expresses an interest in the job or role should be sent an application form, job description and person specification, which clearly states the required qualifications and experience.

Application forms

All potential staff and volunteers considered to be carrying out regulated work should complete an application form as well as the self-declaration form which is designed to elicit information about an applicant’s past career - including any gaps in involvement or employment, and any relevant experience, qualifications and training undertaken.

Applicants should be informed that failure to adhere to the relevant codes of conduct, can result in action being taken by the Academy and or Scottish Gymnastics under the conduct in sport code which could lead to dismissal/exclusion from the Academy and or Scottish Gymnastics.

Request to see all relevant coaching certificates. If required, you can request confirmation on club headed paper from Scottish Gymnastics, as to the relevance/level of the candidates stated coaching qualifications.

As part of Scottish Gymnastics and Central Gymnastics Academy’s Safe Recruitment Policy  as effective risk reduction procedures it is a requirement that disclosure checks are carried out (through Scottish Gymnastics) on individuals carrying out regulated work, whether they are volunteers or paid. The Academy should request a PVG application form from Scottish Gymnastics via their Safeguarding Officer and complete as per the guidance provided.

PVG Record

There are two PVG records available – PVG Scheme Record or PVG Scheme Record update. The type of disclosure required will depend on whether or not the individual is already a member of the scheme for doing regulated work.

The Scheme Record will show:

·  The type(s) of regulated work in respect of which the individual is a PVG scheme member (thereby confirming that the individual is not barred from regulated work of that type); and

·  If the individual is under consideration for listing for the type(s) of regulated work, states the fact

The Scheme Record also includes any vetting information that exists in relation to the individual and the role being undertaken. Vetting information is:

·  convictions and cautions held on central records in the UK

·  whether the individual is included on the sex offenders register

·  other relevant information, which may include non-conviction information provided by relevant police forces; and

·  prescribed civil orders

The Scheme Record also includes the following information:

·  the name, address, date of birth and PVG Scheme membership number of the individual

·  the unique number of the Scheme Record

·  the name and address of the registered person and counter signatory details (on the copy for the registered person and any regulatory body); and

·  the name and address of the regulatory body and registration number

The Scheme Record Update is designed for use by organisations when asking an individual who is already a PVG Scheme member (and who has had a Scheme Record issued in the past) to do regulated work for them. The organisation must be registered or use an umbrella body to act on their behalf i.e. Scottish Gymnastics.

The Scheme Record Update (short scheme record disclosure) shows basic membership information:

·  the type(s) of regulated work (position applied for) in respect of which the individual is a PVG Scheme member (thereby confirming that the individual is not barred from regulated work of that type); and

·  statement of scheme membership and

·  will state if the individual is under consideration for listing for that type(s) of regulated work and

·  information about PVG scheme record

The Scheme Record Update (short scheme record disclosure) includes:

·  the date that the PVG Scheme member’s Scheme Record was disclosed (and the disclosure record number of the individual’s copy)

·  either a statement confirming that there is no vetting information on the individuals PVG scheme record or

·  will show vetting information that exists in relation to the individual and the role being undertaken.

The Scheme Record Update also includes the following information

·  the name, address, date of birth and PVG Scheme membership number of the individual

·  the unique number of the Scheme Record Update; and

·  the name and address of the registered person and counter signatory details.

It is important to note that:

Should a PVG disclosure detail that the applicant is barred from working with children this person will be disqualified from working in a regulated work role with children within Central Gymnastics Academy (whether paid or voluntary).

Should a PVG disclosure detail that the applicant is being ‘considered for listing’ this person will be disqualified from working in a regulated role with children within Central Gymnastics Academy (whether paid or voluntary) until such times as the nature of disclosed information and its relevance to the post applied for is discussed and assessed.

Under no circumstances will the Academy allow an individual to work in a regulated role until the safe recruitment procedures have been completed and a clear PVG disclosure received by Scottish Gymnastics.

The main positions agreed with VSDS for Scottish Gymnastics as being regulated work (therefore require a PVG disclosure) are as follows:

·       Assistant Coach

·       Chaperone

·       Safeguarding Officer Providing Advice to Children Coach

·       Head Coach

·       Head of Child Protection

·     Helper in Gym – assisting children

·     Official

·     Team Manager Tutor

Scottish Gymnastics recommends that anyone with a managerial responsibility for individuals in the above positions should also complete a PVG application.

Self-declaration (Disclosure)

Convictions that have been gained whilst in employment in either a paid or voluntary post within Central Gymnastics Academy should be disclosed in writing, by using Scottish Gymnastics Self Declaration form and sealed in an envelope – marked ‘Private and Confidential’ - for the attention of the Ethics Welfare & Conduct Manager. The purpose of disclosing the information in writing is to determine the relevance of the convictions to the post currently held or being applied for.

Should convictions be declared on the self-declaration, the individual may be asked to attend an interview with the Ethics Welfare & Conduct Manager and one other responsible person to clarify and expand on any of the information disclosed. All decisions will be recorded on the relevant paperwork and stored in the appropriate manor.

Scottish Gymnastics complies with the Disclosure Scotland Code regarding secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of VSDS disclosures and disclosure information and with its obligation under the Data Protection Act 1988.

The decision as to whether a conviction is relevant in relation to the individual and the role being undertaken would be determined by Scottish Gymnastics:

Ø  A conviction that is gained whilst in employment (whether paid or voluntary), which is deemed to be relevant to the post currently held, will lead to dismissal from the Academy and termination of Scottish Gymnastics membership.

Ø  A conviction that is gained whilst in employment (whether paid or voluntary, that is not disclosed) and is deemed not to be relevant to the post currently held, will lead to disciplinary proceedings for failure to disclose convictions.

Ø  Should a PVG disclosure detail that the applicant is barred from working with children this person will be disqualified from working in a regulated work role with children within Central Gymnastics Academy (whether paid or voluntary).

Ø  Should a PVG disclosure detail that the applicant is being ‘considered for listing’ this person will be disqualified from working in a regulated role with children Central Gymnastics Academy (whether paid or voluntary) until such times as the nature of disclosed information and its relevance to the post applied for is discussed and assessed.

Non- Conviction Relevant Information

Non conviction relevant information is intelligence held by Police Scotland. When an applicant applies for PVG disclosure, any intelligence held on the applicant which is deemed to be relevant to the type of regulated work will be documented on the PVG disclosure in typed text.

On receipt of the PVG disclosure, Scottish Gymnastics will assess this information in accordance with the Safe Recruitment procedures for clubs.

Any non-conviction relevant information (applicable to regulated work positions only) that has been gained whilst in employment (whether paid or voluntary) within Central Gymnastics Academy, and has not been disclosed to Scottish Gymnastics, may lead to disciplinary procedures

Decisions made regarding undisclosed criminal convictions that lead to disciplinary procedures or dismissal will be made by Scottish Gymnastics.

Fair Processing Notice (FNP): Safeguarding (Child Protection and Child Welfare)

“The Data Protection Act 1998 requires that individuals are informed about how personal information will be used. For the purposes of Scottish Gymnastics Safeguarding (Child Protection) matters, Central Gymnastics Academy may share information about individuals with Scottish Gymnastics and/or British Gymnastics where it has been alerted to circumstances that might affect an individual’s status as a member of the PVG scheme for regulated work with children and/or protected adults or your suitability to carry out the regulated work role for which you have applied/been appointed or are already doing. In the event such sharing is deemed necessary, it will normally only be carried out between the named Safeguarding Officer and Scottish Gymnastics”.


Where a position is considered to be regulated work with children and young people an interview should be held according to correct procedures and protocol. At interview you can request any additional information to support the details contained in the individuals CV or application form. Questions relating to information contained in the self-declaration form will be dealt with by Scottish Gymnastics Ethics, Welfare & Conduct Manager.

Making the appointment

Once a decision has been made to employ someone or invite someone to take a role within the Academy, an offer letter should be sent out. This letter should specify full details and requirements of the position and any probation period if appropriate. The individual should be informed that the appointment is subject to a satisfactory PVG Disclosure certificate being received.

NB: The individual will receive a copy of their PVG disclosure certificate as will Scottish Gymnastics. Central Gymnastics Academy would not normally get to see the PVG disclosure certificate unless the individual wishes to show them their copy. However it would be good practice for the SO to view a candidate’s PVG prior to confirming appointment. Clubs can take a note of the following information only: date of issue, PVG disclosure certificate number (on the top right hand corner of the certificate) and PVG scheme member number (on left hand side under the applicant’s date of birth). Scottish Gymnastics will inform the Academys safeguarding officer when we have received an individual’s PVG certificate.

Following appointment, induction procedures should be conducted, whether the position is paid or voluntary. An induction should include: -

Ø  Explanation of Safeguarding procedures and other Academy policies

Ø  Formally signing up to the Academy’s codes of conduct

Ø  Clarification of roles, responsibilities and consideration of expectations

Ø  Assessment of training needs, which should include attendance at a relevant Scottish Gymnastics Safeguarding course and other training relevant to the role


All appointments (volunteers or paid) should be given the opportunity to receive feedback, either through a formal appraisal or more informally through a mentoring situation. Although this is good practice for any voluntary or paid position, appraisals are essential for positions that involve significant contact with young people. Appraisals should be offered at regular intervals, initially at the end of a probation period and thereafter at yearly intervals. An appraisal can help to establish training needs and address any concerns.


Detailed below are guidelines for storing and destroying records related to recruitment and safeguarding of volunteers.

Files should be kept up to date and checked for accuracy on a regular basis. This checking should take place at the individuals review meeting.

Volunteer’s files should be kept for one year after he/she has left. They should be kept securely for that period and then shredded.

Definition of: secure - Kept in a locked place with restricted access.

Please note that in Safeguarding (Child Protection) issues, all documentation may be required for any criminal investigation.

Reviewed 08/08/2020